MLM Software Design
Kovai Software Services Designers is capable to provide you low cost the full featured MLM (Multi level marketing) application. MLM solution provided by us is suitable for marketing retail products, wholesale applications and financial services of all types. You can access easily your marketing chain with all services.

We provide Complete, Automated web based “MLM Software” for Multi Level Marketing Business Solution. Our most comprehensive MLM Software, Provides the functionality needed to tackle even the most challenging MLM issues. This customized MLM Software Patna plays vital role in the success of MLM organization.
MLM industry works on various plans and concepts to sale products or services by team efforts.

Kovai Software Services have a core team of MLM consultants, web designers, software developers, support and software testers who have years of experience in the MLM Software consultancy, design and development to approach the domestic and International MLM networkers and customers. best mlm software patna Kovai Software Services is an IT based business solutions and service company providing Turnkey MLM Software Solutions customizable to any business Logic and Downline Structure- provides MLM Binary, MLM Matrix, Unilevel or Australian, and comprehensive solutions- MLM software solutions, MLM Websites, MLM software development Patna, MLM seminar presentation, MLM IT Consultancy, MIS, Accounting, Registration, Confirmation, Product packaging and delivery, Affiliate management, web site, Centralized Database, Online Commission Tracking for Affiliates.
MLM Business Plans are listed below
The MLM Binary Plan is a most popular plan among MLM companies, network marketers, part-timers and members who want to earn through MLM business.
MLM (multi-level marketing) companies where new joiners introduced into Binary Tree structure i.e. one on left and another on right sub-tree. Generally, one side sub-tree is referred to as Power leg while other is Profit leg.
Power leg grows with new member placement, even introduced by previously enrolled or ancestors. New members in the power leg placed under a leaf available node of the binary tree, when a member works to grow his Profit leg, some compensation distributed calculated by a formula using certain value matched with Power leg that may be 1:1 or 2:1.

The donation plan also known as help plan or gift plan or money order plan in MLM industry. Donation plans are running various International MLM companies and their MLM networkers, MLM leaders and no doubt the company which managing all the transactions, earning the huge profit in a very short period of time.
Basically, this gift or help plan is a concept of give single and got multiple i.e. if you provide a single gift to a networker, you got multiple gifts from others. Donation plans are illegal in India and Indian Government declared that its money laundering. However, some countries Government allow such donation or gift plans.

MLM Matrix Plan also known as ladder Plan or Forced Matrix Plan in Multi-level marketing companies which is similar to pyramid. Members which are organized in a particular width and depth are compensated when they achieve a set level. The MLM Company can set structure for members to qualify a particular level that may be 3 in width and 5 in depth. In other words a distributor only can introduce 3 as his front-line and a member can earn compensation up to 5th level.

MLM Companies can make more attractive Forced Matrix Plan by increasing the depth for bonuses and compensation; some MLM companies can reduce the width in this regard. We can say the Matrix Plan have potential for new comers as well as old members.
MLM industry launches a new concept for the customers. Now customers can become a distributor to recharge the Mobile or DTH networks. In this Mobile and DTH recharge MLM plan every affiliate can start a new business by recharging others Mobile or DTH and earn money.
Any networker can join the MLM Company and the company will allot the agency to the MLM networker for recharge Mobile or DTH of others. When the affiliate or networker recharge the Mobile or DTH; company will credit their profit sharing ratio.

The MLM Uni level Plan running many Network Marketing Companies and providing an opportunity for the group or individual to earn huge profit.
One important thing with this MLM Uni level Plan is its simplicity; so that the MLM networker or company can explain Unilevel plan easily to their new comers who willing to join MLM business.
Uni-level Plan permits the affiliates to introduce new comers in its front line. There is no restriction for width i.e. a members can sponsor unlimited in width under his/her frontline and compensation distributed up to the limited depth. Further all frontline also efforts to do the same for earn bonuses or compensation.

The MLM companies are based on various MLM concepts or MLM Plans. Board Plan is one of popular amongst different MLM plans which is also known as Revolving Matrix Plan.
MLM Board Plan is called because a group of members works in a team (Board) and whenever a board consists a set number of members, the Board splits into two sub-trees. The top one member promoted into next higher board. In MLM terminology the company can set how much promotional board to be introduced and how many members can be in a Board.
Websoft Infotech also provide the Customized MLM Board Plan Software in which we will set parameters and logics according to current MLM business.

The MLM Generation Plan is purely products selling, motivational MLM business plan. This Generation Plan best suited for the company who manufacturer of consumable products and want to sale their products directly to the end users.
In present competitive market company needs to give ads in different advertising media like TV, news papers to increase product selling. The Generation Plan Software offers you an opportunity in which there is no need to expense for advertisements.
The MLM Generation Plan is a concept which is based on profit sharing MLM business.
The manufacturer share advertising expenses direct to their distributors. When a distributor sales a product the volume to be distributed towards up-lines, that is the reason it’s called a Generation Plan in MLM Industry.

Various kinds of MLM Plan running by different MLM companies. The MLM Stair Step Plan is a compensation plan in which representatives who are responsible for the both personal as well as group sales volume.
It is a simple plans for the distributors who are new for MLM business. Every step is based on a certain volume of sales target. If a distributor or networker achieve the set target he/she will promoted for the next higher level. The Stair-Step compensation plan gives huge incentives for distributors to achieve the set target.
Lets understand Stair Step Plan with an example. If you want to run MLM Company by introducing Stair Step Plan can create some promotional designation for distributors.
Downline sales counted to upline volume and whenever the particular distributor achieves the set target, the distributor promoted to higher level and rewarded with set compensation and incentives.

Successful MLM business depends upon knowledge of multi-level marketing, effective MLM Software, right directional consultancy for MLM business, Kovai Software Services ready to assist you in this regards.
The Australian Binary MLM Plan is a concept where left and right sub-tree along with the third sub-tree from where no matching pairs required for compensation. In other words, Australian Binary Plan needed at least three downline child members under a one introducer parent. This plan is very similar to Tri-Binary MLM Plan.
Parent introducer compensated from the third downline sub-tree, no matching pairs required. It is a plan where team efforts works for each other as a result MLM company grows up.

Administration module
- Donor Management
- ingle or Multiple Commitment Amount
- At A Glance (All Input/ Output Details)
- Manage Storage Fund
- Manage Help Link Auto or Manual
- Help Traction History
- Pending Help Traction
- Accept Help Traction
- Reject Help Traction
- Manage One too Many and Many to One Request Send Help Link
- Re-Assign Rejected Help Traction
- Bank Receipt upload facility
Member control module
- Set Commitments With Mobile Verification Code
- Chatting Option for Member
- Manage Promotion (10 Manager, 100 Manager)
- Help History
- Send Help History
- Receive Help History
- Referral Structure
- Growth Statement
- Manage Bonus/ Deduction
- Fund Request with Growth and Working Income
- Wallet Statement(Level Income, Referral Income, Binary Income)